Hey Folks -
Volunteer opportunities this week are at these locations. If you have questions please contact 347-770-4520 or OccupySandyVolunteers@gmail.com.
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Occupy Sandy Kitchen
Location: St. John’s Church, 461 99th St, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Take R train to 95th St. stop. Exit station and go to 99th st. Make a left on 99th street and go towards Fort Hamilton Parkway. Left side.
Schedule: 7 days a week from 8am – 6pm. The last time to arrive is 5pm.
Tasks: Everyday we cut meat and veggie, cook meals, clean dishes, clean ice chests, organize fridges and supplies, pack meals for delivery, and clean-up for the day. Ideal number of volunteers is about 25 a day. If we get more volunteers, we can use them.
Site Contact(s): Tim, Dave, Kate, sandybayridge@interoccupy.net and by leaving a voice mail at 347-465-7430.
Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn
Location: Trailer on Emmons Avenue near Brown Street. The approximate address is 3076 Emmons Avenue. We are about a 12 minute walk from Sheepshead Bay stop on the B/Q or right across from to B4 bus stop.Please wear sturdy shoes and non-pristine dress.
Schedule: 7 Days a week, Arrive between 10am and 4pm (Site closes at 5).
Tasks: Clean out and debris removal from homes and yards; demolition, floor and screw pulling, and muck outs; distribution of supplies to residents and resident needs assessment in the trailer; on foot or phone needs assessments; filling out work orders. We are also looking for production assistance and a sound engineer to collaborate with on a documentary project, one to two days a week. Languages: ***Russian***, Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin), Korean, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish. For groups of 5 or more we recommend you go through NY Cares, contact maggie.bernhard@newyorkcares.org for more information.
Site Contact(s): Cheryl, Alex and Stacy: 347-549-9708. Please email us at sheepsheadbayrecovers@gmail.com or click on http://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C49ACAB28A75-occupy. Advanced sign up helps us plan our days.
Respond and Rebuild
Location: Averne, (Rockaways), Pilgrim Church of Arverne, 7416 Beach Channel Drive. Preferred volunteers drive in their own vehicles. There is a 15 passenger van leaving from 520. Need more people on Sundays than Saturdays.
Schedule: Saturdays and Sundays 9am – 4pm. Volunteers must sign up in advance, arrive by 9:30am for a safety training, and stay all day **Volunteers cannot be accepted after 9:30 at Respond and Rebuild in the Rockaways due to restraints on staff, transportation and safety concerns.
Tasks: Every Saturday and Sunday for the month of January we’re sending teams out into the field to do mold remediation in residents’ homes in the Rockaways–a necessary step before families can rebuild safely. It’s tough, physical work, and we’ll provide you with all the safety gear and tools you’ll need. Your commitment allows us keep our promises to residents who have often been wait-listed and let down by others throughout this process.
Site Contact(s): Andy, Shanna, Gabriel, RespondandRebuild.org. – Please Sign Up and schedule a date online. Registration is required by 5pm on the day prior to volunteering.
Location: Rockaway Beach, 183 beach 96th street. Driving is recommended – Cross Bay Bridge from Howard Beach to beach 94th Left on Shorefront Parkway Right on beach 96th. No regular transportation is provided for volunteers (It is possible to accessed by public transportation via the A train and Q53 bus).
Schedule: 6 days/week – Closed Mondays. Volunteers can arrive from 10am-2:30pm (Site closes at 3:30).
Tasks: Muck-out (clean-out) as jobs come in, serving food, helping cleaning up the site. Ideal number of volunteers is 10, more can be taken if groups are scheduled.
Site Contact(s): Michelle Cortez, Volunteer@smallwater.org
The Action Center
Location: 5710 Beach Channel Drive. Personal Vehicle Recommended. Subway service to Rockaways from outer areas, limited. Bus service in Rockaways, in service.
Schedule: 10 am – 4 pm daily
Tasks: Volunteers will be performing supply intake & distro activities, e.g. unloading supply trucks, unpacking boxes, organizing supply rooms, distributing supplies. Specific tasks, per day, vary. Volunteers with vehicles and room for multiple passengers, ideal. Work gloves, boots and warm winter wear, strongly suggested for all volunteers. Up to 20 volunteers, daily.
Site contact: Sam Doe (center director) and Nelson (site coordinator) are ground contacts for volunteers to connect with upon arrival. 718-869-0346, adoe196701@aol.com.
Staten Island
1128 Olympia
Location: 1128 Olympia Blvd, Staten Island, Verrazano to Hylan Blvd exit, SW on Hylan until a left on Greeley, left on Olympia. hub on right.
Schedule: M W F: 11am – 4pm, Weekends: 10am – 4pm, 3pm is too late!
Volunteer Tasks: Muck out work is continuous. other work is special projects including canvassing, deliveries, administration at hub, organizing free store / stock. 10 volunteers needed during the week, 50 on weekends which is when we concentrate on our muck-out work. we are starting to work by appointment, especially for muck-outs during the week.
Site Contact: Ilya, Goldi, Sandy1128Olympia@gmail.com, 347-201-0670.
Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Occupy Sandy Communications and Meeting Space
Location: 122 Java St., Near G stop at Greenpoint
Schedule: Open 10am – 6pm Monday – Saturday.
Tasks: Help Occupy Sandy with Communications, Volunteer Organizing, Event planning and more. Please stop by or contact us for an appointment to meet with someone about getting more involved.
Site Contact: Call the Occupy Sandy volunteer hotline at 347-770-4520 or OccupySandyVolunteers@gmail.com to make arrangement to help at 122 Java or find out more about other volunteer opportunities.